AI, Sustainability and the Rise of the CMO:
What's Next for B2B Tech Marketing
We share what 2024 means for B2B tech marketing through insights from B2B tech marketing experts.
1. The Rise, Risks and Opportunities of AI
2. Data-Driven Strategy
3. The Evolution of the CMO
4. Breaking Down Silos
5. The Sustainability Challenge
Future Watch – Arming Newer Generations of Marketeers with Insights for Success
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AI, Sustainability and the Rise of the CMO
Last year, the factors shaping tech marketing included privacy and data protection, data integration, video marketing, mobile-first and artificial intelligence and automation. Some of these remain highly relevant, not least of which is AI, a topic on which everyone has something to say. Amid ongoing talk of how AI will change marketing, one of the most striking things that emerges from our conversations with marketing professionals in the space, some of which are featured here, is the central importance of human judgement. To determine how we should think about AI and data, grapple with sustainability, approach siloed working and more, senior marketers point to the need for in-context thinking and hands-on experience, which only human beings can have. There are really no hard and fast answers in marketing today. Human judgement is absolutely essential for making the right decisions in the current and future landscape. Another motif that cropped up time and again was the importance of leadership, not only to help marketing departments chart a course through unknown waters but to improve cohesion, train and nurture the next generation, and improve the quality of decision-making at C-suite level. In 2024, marketers in the B2B tech space are arguably as relevant than they have ever been. Of course, on the flip side, they’re going to have a lot of work on their hands.’
We wanted to take a moment to thank the below experts for sharing their insights and opinions to help us form this report.
Scott Horn Chief Marketing Officer at ACI Learning
Aline LemoneGlobal Marketing Activation & Automation at ABB
Omer WilsonChief Marketing Officer at Qarbon
Heather VanaSenior Communications Director at Avnet
Ian FergusonVP Marketing and Strategic Alliances at Lynx
Lindsay SchleismanHead of Global Public Relations for Danfoss Power Solutions